Talk Wrong - Feral Bearings
Year Released: 2019
Client: Ersatz Reality
Details: In all honesty this is my band’s record. To control the entire package of a release from the sound to the packaging is sort of a unique position to be in.
The direction of this artwork stems from one of the lyrics. It was the last song I had written for this record and the one where I was the most honest. I went on a photographic safari with my daughter, not really sure what I was going to capture, but I knew I wanted it to feel organic, and I was going to add the television distortion in later. I isolated the main leaf in the foreground and blended the image on the back of the record in a way that I felt was pretty seemless. I also did something that breaks conventional record layouts a bit and mirrored the front border onto the back.
The lyric sheet features a tree with a posted sign from the same photoshoot, mostly because I’m fascinated with posted signs.